The 10x Rule, by Grant Cardone
Charlie’s Rating: 8.5/10
To quote Grant himself and capture this book’s theme is 3 words – “take massive action.” And if you need the motivation to do so, read or listen to this book, it is the ultimate motivation manifesto. It will encourage you to embrace the mindset of crazy possibility and refuse to accept anything less than extraordinary success, the wild 10x success you can only dream about.
That’s what I took out of this book. Actually putting on paper my 10x goals. Instead of making $100,000 a year, why not try to make $1,000,000 a year? What does that entail or even mean? Well, you don’t find the answers until you ask the question…
And type of actions are necessary to achieve 10x goals? Another hard question to answer, but also one that will help crystalize your next moves and your deepest wants/desires. The book emphasizes the importance of adopting an “any means necessary” mindset and being willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. Cardone gives examples in his life where he adopted this mindset, which are quite motivating. If you want to achieve your goals, it is not really that complicated to understand the formula of immense effort (10x normal effort) + persistence + resilience in the face of obstacles and challenges = success. However, it is hard to do, and most people don’t.
Read this book and become a disciple of Grant and you might become one of the few that achieve success.
Grant implores readers to accept responsibility for their own success stating “success is your duty, your obligation.” Stop blaming external circumstances or others for your failures. Reminds me a lot of Jocko Willink in a different way when he says to ‘take ownership of your life.’
We all know Grant is right. If you set 10x goals, take massive action, accept success as your duty, and take responsibility for everything, you will be successful however you define it.
“The 10X Rule” serves as a motivational guide that you can listen to whenever you need it. It will help you break out of conventional thinking patterns, give you the kick in the ass when you need to give massive action. The book can be your inner voice that helps you overcome limitations. And lastly, it can be the blueprint for your inevitable achievement of extraordinary levels of success.
Go get after it.