The Wild Diet by Abel James
Charlie’s Book Score – 9.1/10
This book is like the beginners manual for low-carb eating, intermittent fasting and provides plenty of easy recipes that one might say to themselves “this is healthy?!” The book also tells Abel’s story with weight struggle, health scares and his ultimate success figuring out that medical model knows very little about nutrition and the impact food has on health. The Wild Diet is practical, easy to follow and a great first book to make dietary and lifestyle changes. I recommend this to people as the guide for eating without all the deep scientific explanation.
Bonus! Abel has a great podcast that was instrumental to my knowledge gain in the area of nutrition. Another bonus, he has the voice of a radio God, so it is a very easy podcast to listen to! I found many of the authors and books from Abel’s podcast and credit him for assistance in my health journey. Check it out – The Fat Burning Man Show.