The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne
Charlie’s Rating: 10/10
“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne introduced me to the Law of Attraction, which states that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.
Said in 3 words – “thoughts become things.”
The Law of Attraction is a three-step process: ask, believe, and receive.
First, you need to clearly define what you want and then ask for them. Be specific. If you want a million dollars, how will you receive it? When will you receive it? In what form will you receive it? Who will give it to you? What did you do to receive it? Get extremely specific.
Next, l believe that your desires will be fulfilled, which I won’t lie, is hard. This is where I have tripped up over the years. However, techniques such as positive visualization, meditation and vision boards help tremendously. I have pictures in a folder on my phone I look at everyday of luxury – planes, houses, travel, etc.
Lastly, act as if your desires have already been realized, which is also very hard. Focus on abundance rather than scarcity; be grateful for what you have and practice gratitude everyday, even multiple times a day; practice self-love in order to attract positive relationships. The Secret emphasizes the importance of maintaining positive emotions and thoughts to create a fulfilling and joyful life.
Not going to lie, all this sounds like and most certainly is woo woo crazy talk, but guess what? It works.
Since watching the secret and reading the book for the first time years and year ago, I have absolutely manifested everything in my life. Everything I put my thoughts toward and acted on happened. It’s crazy.
When I think back at the last decade, I realize the power of the Law of Attraction and that I am responsible for all the negative in my life, and I am responsible for turning it around into positives.
This is a life changing book and documentary. I read/watch/listen to multiple times a year. And suggest you do the same.
Think I am crazy? Try it for a few months and watch what happens.